Are Hughes Ballistic products Made In America?
All products available on our website are Made In America – right here in Tempe, Arizona.
Does Hughes Ballistic have a retail store or showroom where I can view your products in person?
We do not have a retail store and our facilities are not open to the public. However, we have a large and growing Dealer network where you will be able to view our products. Please contact your local Hughes Ballistics Dealer for more information.
Do you offer in-store pick up?
We do not offer in-store pick up as we don’t have a store 😊
Does Hughes Ballistic do FFL transfers?
Any order containing a lower receiver will need to be shipped to a registered FFL.
Payment Options
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards. At this time we do not accept other forms of payment such as check, money order, cash or the 101 other types of payment popping up but we’re keeping our eyes open. 
Military Discounts
Do you offer military/law enforcement discounts?
We do offer discounts to the military, veteran, law enforcement, first responders and related customers. Our general policy is 10% off all orders. This discount is applied at the time of purchase. Exceptions do apply and Hughes Ballistic reserves the right to change this discount at any time. This discount cannot be combined with any other offers on our website unless specifically specified. If you are military, law enforcement or first responder, create an account and then email sales@hughes-ballistics.com. Make sure when sending the email to provide proof of service. Once verified, we will update your account to receive discounted pricing.
What type of verification do I need to submit to verify my military status?
You can use many different types of verification. If you are retired military/veteran, normally your DD214. For active status military, you can upload any certificate or document showing your branch and full name as an attachment in your email. Black out any personal information you don't want to share and we don't need, for example social security numbers etc. Law enforcement and first responders can submit scans of their ID card for verification purposes.
Can you apply military discounts retroactively?
We cannot apply discounts to orders that have already been placed, but we can change your account to receive the correct discount on future purchases.
We are diligently working on shipping all orders as they are processed. Due to high demand, orders may take up to 5 business days to be processed and shipped. We appreciate your patience in this exciting (stressful) time.
Troubleshooting Guide
If you have any troubleshooting questions please see here: Troubleshooting Guide.

How do I become a dealer?
It's simple, just follow the instructions on this page, upload the paperwork and click the submit button: Become a Dealer.
Returns Policy
Please see our Return policy here: Returns Policy.

Will Hughes Ballistic do a custom design?
Hughes Ballistics will quote your Custom Designs, however, there are minimum order quantities of 50 parts (could be higher depending on the part) and Non Recoverable Engineering (NRE) costs involved to cover the cost of our time and engineering and maintaining custom parts in our manufacturing system. 

Privacy and Security
We are committed to respecting your privacy. We do not sell or disclose our customer information to other sources. During a sales transaction, your credit card information, if submitted, is never stored. Any information we collect from you is solely for the processing of your order. If you choose to sign up for our mailing list, on occasion we will send you targeted marketing information or special product offers. In every marketing email you will have the option to unsubscribe and avoid receiving future emails from us.